Introduction of the Beacon of Light as the Approved Literature Text for Junior High Schools

The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA) wishes to inform all learners, teachers, and stakeholders in the education sector that the literature book titled The Beacon of Light, authored by Joshlyn Yayra Diabo, Adam Ankrah, Bryte Okrah, and Lucas Zanyoh has been officially approved as the prescribed literature text for Junior High Schools across the country. An additional resource that accompanies the book is The Beacon of Light Commentary, authored by Victoria Stevens, Dr. Jemima Larteley Mensah and Very Rev. Ebo Ephraim. The commentary provides an in-depth analysis of the book’s contents, offering deeper insights to enhance understanding.

The Beacon of Light has been designed to enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, literacy and moral values among young learners.  It is intended to complement the core instructional materials and provide teachers with additional content to the classroom experience.

It also comes to replace the Cock Crow, which has been in use for over 15 years – compelling examiners to repeat test items and has time-worn in content as far as the Standard-based Curriculum is concerned.  National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) and the Ghana Education Service (GES) are confident that The Beacon of Light will significantly improve the quality of education in schools.

Therefore, the  Beacon of Light should be studied as part of the English Language Curriculum. Teachers preparing learners and learners preparing for the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in 2027 (Learners in JHS 1 for the 2024/2025 academic year)should note that  The Beacon of Light will be examined.